Parking Garage Repairs


A higher education client needed to understand the current condition of and recommended maintenance/repairs for two separate, multi-level parking structures on campus.


Structural examination, including visual, hammer sounding, and chain dragging, resulting in the development of repair documents for the following for each garage: Partial and full-depth slab repair for delaminations and spalls; concrete wash repair, shear plate spall repair; cove, joint, and tee-flange joint sealants replacement; expansion joint repair; beam, corbel, column, and wall repairs; structural member cracks requiring epoxy injection repair; barrier cable replacement, and new comprehensive traffic coating application.


Valdes provided detailed design drawings for both garages showing a location map for needed repairs and maintenance, along with typical details. Great care was made with these maps to generate detailed quantity estimates for each repair so that the university could obtain accurate pricing for budgeting.



Project Management