Substation Upgrade Project

A refinery client initiated a project to increase the incoming power capability from the local utility to the 34kV busses at its refinery. They needed to upgrade various aspects of its 34kV power distribution system due to the increase in available fault current and power capability provided by the new transformers (max 40MVA rating) and 138kV overhead structures and bus work.
Valdes evaluated and made recommendations to the present relaying schemes and settings, and provided analysis to improve relaying schemes to alleviate equipment-rating concerns associated with the increased available fault current. Valdes coordinated with the local utility, who was specifying and installing the two transformers, as well as the overhead structure(s) and bus work with the required 138kV rated circuit switcher per transformer. The design work included revised and new single-line and three-line drawings, tripping schematics, substation control building relay panel drawings, fiber optic panel wiring drawings, substation alarming drawing, conduit and cable schedules, drawings associated with the new relaying to the control panels in the substation, and an updated SKM model to incorporate new equipment.
The execution and coordination effort of the Valdes team resulted in a seamless adherence to the project schedule and minimal disruption to the refinery’s normal operations. Additionally, Valdes was able to integrate this work with its design and installation of a new hydrogen (H2) plant to efficiently minimize disruptions to the refinery.


Project Management